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Friday, July 5, 2013

USA Economic Collapse 2013 - 2014

USA Economic Collapse 2013 - 2014

the US and much of the world is already in economic decline, but I feel a major collapse will occur in the summer of 2013. Economic collapse started back when we decided that China was a great place to build factories. Prior to this was a fear that Japan was eating our lunch but Japan had too small of a population to really be a threat. China has not only a 1.5 billion population but frankly their people are clever. They come from one of the oldest civilizations on the Planet and have seen their empire rise and fall many times. They think differently about the world than we do. No other trade with any other country is as dangerous as free trade with China. I talked about this with everyone I could back when George Bush Sr. first opened the trade doors. The response was China made cheap stuff and would never be able to compete with our intellectual and technical know how. Well here we are, continuing to collapse and when it comes to a date prediction of when the collapse reaches the run away point? Who knows for certain?

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