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Friday, July 5, 2013

How To Identify GMO-Free Food NOT Looking At Labels

I can imagine that you do not like this information, because it is uncomfortable.
But, hey:
Didn't say that it would be easy to be in charge of all the food you eat.
But at least is it possible!

As I have quite some distrust for labels on the food, I want to know FOR SURE that my food is GMO free and organic.
All companies who want to sell their products can be accidentally or even consciously mistaken by labeling their food as "GMO-Free" or "organic".
This video is giving some real good tips on how to identify REAL GMO-Free food without having to trust the labels on packages.

I love how we can take the power back using the simple tips I am giving here in this video.
We do NOT have to buy GMO foods, but can make our own decisions getting the GMO-free foods on our table.
This is so important, as most of the "designed" or "hybrid" foods are trained to have less seeds and much sugar, which does decrease the natural force and nutrient content.
And I am not even talking about pesticides or hormones here.
Just the simple quality and nutrient content is much lower in GMO produced food.
This is why it is so important to have the wild foods and the old types of our raw foods on our table.
Did you know that ancient apples just had the size of cherries and were really sour?
Those apples did contain 50 times more nutrients than our modern-timers.
We need the old, wild sorts.
Those are the foods that also have more life force and are better prepared to survive in nature without our protection.
it is almost ironic, that most of the raw foods today wouldnt even be able to survive by themselves.
they need us to protect, shelter and nurture them.
We get so much more life force and nutrients out of the wild , old types of foods that are GMO-free.

I hope you find some good tips in the video, and remain with all my wild food love
Love KA
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