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Thursday, June 27, 2013
MIKE RIVERO ~ More Leaks are Coming out of the NSA
Date: 06/27/2013
Michael Rivero is the webmaster of and host of the What Really Happened radio shows on the Republic Broadcasting Network. Formerly with NASA, Michael transitioned his image processing skills (along with a brief stint as an actor) into the then-new motion picture computer animation field and has worked on films such as "Star Trek", "The Day After Tomorrow", and has supervised visual effects on "Brainscan," "LOST", and "Hawaii Five-0." Michael has taken a sabbatical from film work to focus all his efforts on peace activism. Michaels foray into blogging began before the word was even invented, and happened almost by accident when he spotted a suspicious photograph being broadcast on ABC news in 1994 related to the death of White House deputy Council Vincent Foster. Since that sudden beginning, Michaels website has expanded to cover diverse topics including the JFK assassination, the accidental shoot-down of TWA 800, election fraud, health issues, Saddams non-existent nuclear weapons, 9-11, the economy, and of course, the lies used to trick the United States into wars of conquest on Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Iran. Michael resides in Hawaii with his wife Claire, who is a composer and creates much of theme music used on the What Really Happened radio show.
Ex-US General under Investigation for Leaks
TRENDS TRACKING ~ Coast to Coast AM Oct 20 2012
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Gerald Celente
Trends analyst Gerald Celente regularly provides business and industry with customized presentations and commissioned research studies in over 300 trend categories. He joined John B. Wells to talk about what he sees on the horizon for the United States.
David Quintieri ~ Bankers Rule the World by Manipulating the Financial System
Regime Change in Europe: Do Greece and Italy Amount to a Bankers' Coup?
The voice of the people isn't something the markets seem to want to hear these days. First there was Greece, the cradle of democracy itself, where early this month, the merest mention of a referendum offering its citizens a say in a series of severe austerity measures was enough to send the markets into a tailspin. The ultimate result: the collapse of Prime Minister George Papandreou's ruling coalition, the rejection of any notion of bringing the proposal before the people, and the installation of a caretaker government under the leadership of Lucas Papademos, a former vice president of the European Central Bank and, until earlier this week, a visiting professor at Harvard.
Then came Italy. As Athens threatened to go under, Rome found itself under pressure not so much for its level of debt — which though high is generally considered within the limits of sustainability — as much as for the erratic behavior of its flamboyant prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi. On Monday, investors seemed to make the collective decision that he could no longer be trusted at the helm of the euro zone's third largest economy and sent Italy's cost of borrowing up towards crisis levels. By the end of the week, not only was Berlusconi finished, so was the very idea of holding a vote to replace him. The markets had spoken, and they didn't like the idea of going to the electorate. "The country needs reforms, not elections," said Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council on a visit to Rome Friday.
The Money GPS: Guiding You Through An Uncertain Economy David Quintieri
RICHARD GROVE ~ Infowars Nightly News: Thursday (6-27-13)
Green Imperialism: Colonial Expansion, Tropical Island Edens and the Origins of Environmentalism, 1600-1860 (Studies in Environment and History) Richard Grove
ALEX JONES Shows Off His GUN on Live Radio Show: Don't Mess With Him
People don't realize that most states don't require you to register your guns. They can ban them all they want. They don't know where they are and who has them. It would be futile to try and if they did they may get 1% of them if that. It's ammunition you need to stock up on. That's where they are going to get us.
The Coming Economic Collapse - Global Economic Crisis
$59 trillion dollars in debt, how much interest on money borrowed from the private global FED RESERVE banks. How much hard assets or cash does that amount of money wield. How much bribery, influence or flat out ownership of the media, colleges, and both political parties, does that kind of power buy? The more debt we are in, the more money the FED makes on interest, from the money we borrow from them; via the IRS, and income taxes. Which they produce from thin air. What a racket!.
TIM RIFAT ~ World War Z on Jeff Rense Radio Jun 26 , 2013
Turan (Tim) Rifat was born in Brighton in 1957. He has a university science degree and another in education. Whilst doing his Ph.D., the author decided he’d had enough of mechanistic science, so for the past 15 years he has been researching the paranormal, with the aim of developing its physics, as well as carrying out numerous workshops on healing and personal development. His research task took rather longer than imagined, and led to some unfortunate confrontations with ‘evil’ forces-MI5 being the least of these. Recently, he set up Paranormal Management Systems (PMS), the only company in Europe with expertise in biophysical RMCT that can come close to what the Russians have developed and which outstrips the US knowledge base in the biophysical area. PMS evaluates this military-domain RMCT material and develops it in terms of its applications for business in enhancing profitability and performance. Turan Rifat offers courses and consultancy in the RV/RI field. He is currently writing a book, Remote Viewing: The Story of the Real X-Files, and is planning to follow up this article with one on ESP and telepathy, with reference also to synthetic telepathy
BUILD UP TO WW3 ~ US and China starting new Cold War
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced plans Thursday to deploy combat ships to Singapore for joint exercises, which he said showed US commitment to the strategically vital Asia-Pacific region.
The announcement came a day after Panetta met Singaporean Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen at the Pentagon, and while the first of 2,500 US Marines sent to Australia were starting work -- to the irritation of regional superpower China.
"The Defense Department's move to deploy US combat ships to Singapore and raise the level of joint exercises will deepen the bilateral military relationship," said a joint statement from the defense chiefs.
"The deployment signals US commitment to the region and enhances the ability to train and engage with regional partners," it said.
"Both leaders underscored the shared belief that a strong US presence in the Asia-Pacific region enhances regional stability and security."
The United States signaled last December that it could send the "littoral combat ships," small, surface vessels intended for operations close to shore, to Singapore.
The Pentagon statement said the ships would be deployed on a rotational basis and will not be based in Singapore, which is a long-standing ally of the United States.
Pentagon spokeswoman Commander Leslie Hull-Ryde, said "the specific details related to this unprecedented engagement are still being discussed," but noted that it marked a "significant movement in terms of our cooperation."
The US military already operates a small post in Singapore that assists in logistics and exercises for forces in Southeast Asia.
China's defense ministry, however, has been scornful over increased American military activity in Asia, saying it is proof of a "Cold War mentality" from Washington.
Chinese state media has also accused President Barack Obama of using such action to act as a distraction from US economic woes.
The US views with increasing concern China's growing assertiveness in territorial disputes in the Asia-Pacific region, such as the South China Sea.
The deployment of Marines to Australia has reassured some Asian countries, who see it as a statement that the United States intends to stand up for its allies and interests.
China maintains it has a policy of "peaceful development" with all countries.
In an academic article forecasting the shape of the US Navy in 2025, Admiral Jonathan Greenert, chief of naval operations, wrote in December 2011 that "we will station several of our newest littoral combat ships" in Singapore.
STEVE QUAYLE ~ Earth Changes, Apocalypse, Preparedness & Giants
Such natural or man-made devastations can lead to food and water shortages, Quayle pointed out. He stressed the need for people to be prepared with water storage & purification devices, and medical & food supplies. He also advised against living along the coastline.
Quayle updated his research into giants, reporting that a search was being conducted in an underground island labyrinth. According to his "Special Forces" contacts, there are literally tens of thousands of giants living in suspended animation in hives. They wear copper bands with "Paleo-Hebrew" writing on them, and become reanimated when the bands are removed, he detailed.
Stephen Quayle is the author of five books. For over thirty years, he has been investigating ancient civilizations, giants, UFOs and biological warfare as they relate to the future of mankind. Stephen discusses the coming worst-case scenarios approaching this world and how they interrelate to each other. Earthquakes, volcanoes, nuclear and biological terrorism, coupled with the planned financial meltdown of the U.S. dollar will thrust us into unimagined tribulations. Stephen Quayle is on record as stating that we have moved from the realm of natural threats into the arena of supernaturally guided events of the unseen hand of evil orchestrating world events of unfathomable proportions.
The phrase "Earth Changes" was coined by the American psychic Edgar Cayce to refer to the belief that the world will soon enter on a series of cataclysmic events causing major alterations in human life on the planet.
This includes "natural events" (such as major earthquakes, the melting of the polar ice caps, a pole shift of the planetary axis, major weather events, solar flares and so on) as well as huge changes of the local and global social, economical and political systems.
Various existential risks have the potential to destroy, or drastically restrict, human civilization; could cause human extinction; or even cause the end of Earth. Severe events could cause the extinction of all life on the planet Earth, the destruction of the planet Earth, the annihilation of the solar system, to the annihilation of our galaxy or even the entire universe. Existential risks are distinguished from other forms of risk both by their scope, affecting all of humanity, and severity; destroying or irreversibly crippling the target.
Natural disasters, such as supervolcanoes and asteroids, may pose existential risks if sufficiently powerful, though man-made events could also threaten the survival of intelligent life on Earth, like catastrophic global warming, nuclear war, or bioterrorism.
Despite the importance of existential risks, it is a difficult subject to study directly since humankind has never been destroyed before; while this does not mean that it will not be in the future, it does make modelling existential risks difficult, due in part to survivorship bias.
While individual threats, such as those posed by nuclear war or climate change, have been intensively studied on their own, the systematic study of existential risks did not begin until 2002
Survivalism is a movement of individuals or groups (called survivalists or preppers) who are actively preparing for emergencies as well as possible disruptions in social or political order, on scales ranging from local to international. Survivalists often have emergency medical and self-defence training, stockpile food and water, prepare for self-sufficiency, and build structures that will help them survive or "disappear" (e.g. a survival retreat or underground shelter).
Clusters of natural disasters, patterns of apocalyptic planetary crises, or Earth Changes (tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, solar storms, severe thunderstorms).
A disaster caused by the activities of humankind (chemical spills, release of radioactive materials, nuclear or conventional war, oppressive governments).
The general collapse of society caused by the shortage or unavailability of resources such as electricity, fuel, food, or water.
Financial disruption or economic collapse (caused by monetary manipulation, hyperinflation, deflation, or depression).
A global pandemic.
Widespread chaos or some other unexplained apocalyptic event.
According to theosophists ape-like giants were the third root race who lived on the continent of Lemuria. Theosophists also linked giants to the Atlantean race
Snowden & Hastings and the war on Journalism
JIM RAWLES ~ Disaster Preparedness & Survivalism
Among the most important items for people to have are good quality water filters (such as Katadyn or British Berkefeld), as you may need to collect water from open sources, he detailed. A first-aid kit, wind-up radio, canned & dried foods, firearms, cash, and alternative communication devices like a CB radio are among the additional items he mentioned. Rawles stressed that training is even more important than the supplies. For instance, if you don't know how to use a gun or perform first-aid, the items are useless.
The power grid in the United States is particularly vulnerable to an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack or an X-Flare from the sun (like the Carrington Event of 1859). Such occurrences could knock out radio, telecommunications, GPS, and even cars might not work-- a cascade of events which could "bring us to our knees," Rawles pointed out. He recommended that people move to lightly populated farming regions, if they are able to. Interestingly, he noted there were two very different groups currently interested in survivalism, conservative Christians and left-of-center environmentalists, but within his website forum they were finding common ground to explore.
Jim Rawles has been an enthusiastic survivalist since his teenage years. He is now a survivalist author and lecturer and the editor of He is a former U.S. Army intelligence officer who held a Top Secret security clearance (with Special Background Investigation) and access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI).
James Wesley Rawles (born 1960) is an American author, best known for his survivalist fiction novels, which have become New York Times best-sellers. Rawles is a former U.S. Army officer and is also a blogger, and survival retreat consultant. A conservative Christian, Rawles is the editor of, a blog on survival and preparedness topics. Rawles is the author of the survivalist novels Patriots: A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse, Survivors: A Novel of the Coming Collapse, and Founders: A Novel of the Coming Collapse, as well as the national bestseller nonfiction book How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It: Tactics, Techniques, and Technologies for Uncertain Times.
Survivalism is a movement of individuals or groups (called survivalists or preppers) who are actively preparing for emergencies as well as possible disruptions in social or political order, on scales ranging from local to international. Survivalists often have emergency medical and self-defence training, stockpile food and water, prepare for self-sufficiency, and build structures that will help them survive or "disappear" (e.g. a survival retreat or underground shelter).
Anticipated disruptions include the following:
Clusters of natural disasters, patterns of apocalyptic planetary crises, or Earth Changes (tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, solar storms, severe thunderstorms).
A disaster caused by the activities of humankind (chemical spills, release of radioactive materials, nuclear or conventional war, oppressive governments).
The general collapse of society caused by the shortage or unavailability of resources such as electricity, fuel, food, or water.
Financial disruption or economic collapse (caused by monetary manipulation, hyperinflation, deflation, or depression).
A global pandemic.
Widespread chaos or some other unexplained apocalyptic event.
The third wave of Survivalism began after the September 11, 2001 attacks and subsequent bombings in Bali, Madrid, and London. This resurgence of interest in survivalism appears to be as strong as the first wave in the 1970s. The fear of war, avian influenza, energy shortages, environmental disasters and global climate change, coupled with economic uncertainty, and the apparent vulnerability of humanity after the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami and Hurricane Katrina, has once again made survivalism popular. Preparedness is once more a paramount concern
to many people who seek to stockpile supplies, gain useful skills, and develop contacts with like-minded people to learn as much as possible.
How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It: Tactics, Techniques, and Technologies for Uncertain Times James Wesley Rawles
Paul Craig Roberts Interview with Jason Liosatos
Jason Liosatos interview with Paul Craig Roberts, a voice of integrity, and former head of policy at the Department of Treasury under Reagan, editor of The Wall Street Journal, and founder of Institute of Political Economy, and prolific author. We discuss the behaviour of government thugs in Washington and their hegemony, imposing its will worldwide for oil and resource grabs, and their goal in the Middle East of total chaos and conflict, and the lies about chemical weapons in Syria, like the illusory WMD’s in Iraq. We talk about the US and Western governments reliance on the splits between Sunnis and Shiites and other factions to perpetuate the chaos for them. Paul tells us the real reason why Iran is the big enemy of the West.
Paul and I talk about the accelerating revolution of consciousness and conscience, which is prompting more and more people to come forward and speak the truth, that truth being an enemy of corruption, lies and deceit. We talk about Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning, Glenn Greenwald, who are just a few of the people doing their duty to speak the truth, and how speaking the truth is becoming the greatest crime. We are becoming dangerously used to ethical compromises in government and the financial system. Government, money and power are a cocktail of disaster, and we are witnessing massive repercussions globally, the consequences and feedback loops from decisions made without vision or wisdom, which is a disaster for humanity. –

Alex Jones Show ~ James Lane & Richard Grove : Thursday (6-27-13)
On the Thursday, June 27 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the accelerating disintegration of personal privacy as police departments argue in favor of, and obtain through DHS funding, privacy-obliterating high-tech surveillance drones. Alex also reviews yesterday's interview with Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hasting's friend Staff Sergeant Joseph Biggs, who says there's more to Hasting's death than is being reported in the media. On today's show, Alex also talks with James Lane and Richard Grove about their new documentary, State of Mind: The Psychology of Control, a film delving into the abyss to expose the true science of control that has evolved over generations to keep us firmly in place so that dictators, power brokers and corporate puppeteers may profit from our ignorance and slavery. Alex also invites Chicago station WCKG vice president and general manager Matt Dubiel to discuss how he's gotten on since his then 3-year-old son's invasive encounter with the TSA. Alex also welcomes Telly Blackwood who was effectively banned from the web for criticizing Michael Moore.
LINDSEY WILLIAMS ~ The Derivatives Market is about to Crash
Lindsey Williams received two emails recently from his elite warning about a Lehman Brothers like Crash happening in China that could mean global collapse.
Email #1:
'A large Chinese bank just last night ran out of liquidity and was bailed out by the government. Furthermore: "The seven-day repo rate, the benchmark rate for funding costs between banks, surged to 12.33% Thursday afternoon from the 8.26% rate at Wednesday's close. It had averaged around 3.30% this year before the liquidity crunch began at the end of last month." This is the same phenomenon that occurred globally in September 2008.'
Email #2:
'The U.S. market has DECLINED over the past month, the Japanese stock market has recently dropped 20%, the U.S. bond market sold-off, gold (GLD) is down 20% year-to-date (YTD), Chinese stocks (FXI) have fallen 19.69% YTD, emerging markets stocks (EEM) have depreciated 11.3% IN THE LAST MONTH, copper—a premiere asset considered to indicate growth or contraction, has contracted 18% YTD, etc... Investors should not ignore this massive deflation in global markets and assets.' Pastor Williams also spoke with his elite friend on Thursday 13th June 2013 and said "Some very significant things are happening in the Derivative market and with interest rate and gold, at this time." After pressing the issue he stated "As for gold -- J.P. Morgan announced yesterday that their vault gold has dropped by 28.4 % over night. Nations are demanding physical delivery. Within a month and a half JP Morgan estimates their vault will run out (Be empty) Other vaults are probably running out also. WHAT HAPPENS THEN? Startling when supply dries up. This has many of us very concerned. Be sure that everything you own is in your posession. Crash -- I don't know. Be ready for a public reaction. Interest rates are the greatest factor controling the Derivative market. This could be violent".
Please take warning, Pastor Williams said he doesn't know how far this will go, hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
After numerous public speaking engagements in the western states, certain government officials and concerned individuals urged Mr. Williams to put into print what he saw and heard, stating that they felt this information was vital to national security. Mr. Williams firmly believes that whoever controls energy controls the economy. Thus, The Energy Non-Crisis.
AFRICA ~ The last Wild West for American Entrepreneurs
For maverick entrepreneur Ian Cox, Africa is the last frontier of free enterprise. The former small-time hustler has been busting his ass on the continent for years, selling and moving merchandise. In 2012 he nabbed a lucrative United Nations contract to transport equipment from South Africa to South Sudan, a country on many countries' embargo list. The other problem: the journey north entails passing through countless checkpoints and dealing with bribe-happy officials and their nonsensical paperwork and regulations. Photographer and filmmaker Tim Freccia followed around Ian and the guys he hired for this job. "Cowboy Capitalists" documents their attempts to navigate the continent's dangerous roads and bureaucratic chaos.
John McAfee: We are Gonna Lose to China in the World of Technology Leadership
FULL John McAfee Interview on Fox News Cavuto: Life, NSA Leaker and America Future - Jun. 26, 2013
Mcafee Antivirus Software founder John McAfee on his career and his treatment by the media; escaping Belize after being considered a 'person of interest' in a murder; how he deals with his critics; on the NSA scandal and Edward Snowden, his future and the future of America.
Harry Dent Predicts Global Economic Crash In 2013
Harry Dent talks about an overdue reality check that is facing America! "Politically painful but necessary" says Dent when it comes to getting the fiscal house in order. Dent predicts a CRASH is inevitable in 2013/14. "America has dug itself into a hole - this is the new normal" says Dent. Somebody has to pay a price for all this insanity.... but who?
Harry S Dent is a financial newsletter writer and author , who is also the founder of HS Dent Investment Management, an investment firm based in Tampa, Florida. Mr. Dent's latest book is The Great Crash Ahead. Other books include The Great Depression Ahead and The Next Great Bubble Boom.
Fulfilling 4th Seal (Coming WW3) 05 - Delay of Israel attacking Iran
Towards the end of the last decade, there were many great deadly disasters and calamities caused by earthquakes and adverse weather conditions worldwide. The world experts attributed all these calamities to movement of the tectonic plates and `global warming' and these worldly wisdoms were readily accepted by Christians. God's wisdom silenced the world experts in the following movies. You must see them all.
Since the beginning of this year, there were many strange manifestations. On 1st January 2011, 5000 dead birds and 100,000 dead fish were found in Arkansas, the bible belt in USA. Within the same week, there were reports worldwide of thousands or millions of fish, birds and animals found dead. The world experts were silenced by all these miracles that God used to alert Christians.
Immediately and suddenly the 'Arab Spring' in the middle East affected all these nations and developed into the 'Arab Uprising' with the change of regimes in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. IAEA reported that Iran was suspected of continuing the making of the nuclear bomb.
Israel and USA were to attack Iran by the end of 2011 having obtaining permission to fly over the air space of Saudi Arabia. However, the unprecedented, strange and extremely heavy Autumn snowfall on 8th November 2011. the same day IAEA was to present its report in Iran cancelled the any plan of Israel attacking Iran
Steve Quayle and "V" - The Guerrilla Economist ~ The Hagmann And Hagmann Report June 27 2013
The Hagmann And Hagmann Report June 27 2013 Steve Quayle and "V" - The Guerrilla Economist
The Hagmann & Hagmann Report provides listeners information about current events and historical topics that transcend the political right-left paradigm and delve into the real issues behind the sugar-coated news.
This unique, father-son detective duo uses their investigative abilities and resources to aggressively research and report on issues left untouched by the corporate media and those that exist beyond the scope of the non-traditional media. The show addresses many issues once considered mere fodder for "conspiracy theorists," tracing their roots from the various events that created them through the fabric of history to the present day.
The program digs deep into current topics that include questions about who is really running America, who is really benefitting from the massive financial bailouts, who and what is behind controversial legislation such as the NDAA, SOPA, Agenda 21, and other issues that are rarely addressed with focus, clarity and accuracy. No stone is left unturned, no topic left untouched.
Certain pivotal events that changed the course of U.S. and world history are also subjected to investigative scrutiny, from the start of the Federal Reserve, World Wars I and II, Vietnam, the McCarthy hearings, the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, to the 1979 Iran hostage crisis, the BCCI scandal, the attacks of 9/11 and events taking place through the various presidential administrations of William Clinton, George H.W. Bush, his son and now Barack Hussein Obama.
The hosts will always leave the audience more informed yet wanting more. It can and does get lively at times, as they don't always agree on matters of intent and motive!
Real information. Real truth. Less hype.
The Hagmann & Hagmann Report provides viewers and listeners information about current events and historical topics that transcend the political right-left paradigm and delve into the real issues behind the sugar-coated news. This unique, father-son detective duo uses their investigative abilities and resources to aggressively research and report on issues left untouched by the corporate media and those that exist beyond the scope of the non-traditional media. The show addresses many issues once considered mere fodder for "conspiracy theorists," tracing their roots from the various events that created them through the fabric of history to the present day
Stephen Quayle is the author of five books. For over thirty years, he has been investigating ancient civilizations, giants, UFOs and biological warfare as they relate to the future of mankind. Stephen discusses the coming worst-case scenarios approaching this world and how they interrelate to each other. Earthquakes, volcanoes, nuclear and biological terrorism, coupled with the planned financial meltdown of the U.S. dollar will thrust us into unimagined tribulations. Stephen Quayle is on record as stating that we have moved from the realm of natural threats into the arena of supernaturally guided events of the unseen hand of evil orchestrating world events of unfathomable proportions
FAIR USE NOTICE: These Videos may contain copyrighted (©) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes
Mike Harris ~ The US Economy set to Crash very hard
Mike Harris has over thirty years experience in manufacturing, finance and technology development. A participant in domestic and international start-ups, acquisitions and mergers, Mr. Harris founded Harris Technical Sales Inc. that became Motorola’s vendor of choice, placing over $1.2 billion of capital equipment worldwide. As Chairman of the Board of Eclipse Technology, improvements in logistics decreased Motorola downtime by 60% and decreased mean time between failures by 90%. As Chairman and CEO of TFG Acquisition Corporation, he drove an additional $300 million of value to Motorola shareholders. Mr. Harris then became the Arizona Managing Director of AMT Capital Partners LLC.
In 2006 Mr. Harris accepted a position with Support Resources International (SRI). Within 14 months, as President/COO, SRI’s annual revenue grew from $10.4 million to $27 million, transforming a $3 million loss to a $4.5 million profit. After four years of applied physics at the University of Arizona and two years of economics at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Mr. Harris received an MBA in Finance from Pepperdine University, Malibu, California. From 1995 to 2000, Mr. Harris served as a technical advisor to the Committee on Science and Technology of the U.S. Congress.
Clashes continue in Brazil with tear gas & rubber bullets
Fierce clashes broke out between protesters and riot police during a demonstration near the Mineirao Stadium in Belo Horizonte on Wednesday. Clashes began after tens of thousands of protesters, in part angered by the billions spent in World Cup preparations, tried to march to the stadium and were confronted by police who fired tear gas and rubber bullets. Angry protesters picked up tear-gas canisters and hurled them back at police, along with a shower of rocks. Two protesters were hurt, including a 21-year-old man who fell from an overpass and is reported to be in a critical condition.
Banking Scandal hits Ireland
The global banking crisis of 2008, caused by the reckless behavior of American lenders, spread shockwaves around the world that are still being felt today.
Banking giants such as Lehmann brothers & Bear Stearns collapsed and other banks scrambled to secure 'bailouts' from their governments to avoid going the same way.
In Ireland, the downturn in the property market caused the Anglo Irish Bank to approach government regulators and the Central Bank.
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