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Sunday, August 11, 2013
Scholarslip ~ The Student Debt Crisis
Determined to speak up about America's crumbling higher education system, three students at Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism rallied the voices of an indebted generation. The trio of aspiring journalists—Alex Lancial, Tara Molina and Jake Stein— produced a documentary entitled "Scholarslip". The 26-minute production examines the student debt crisis in the United States and delves into issues local to Arizona. Illustrated through the voices of student debtors as well as university and government policymakers, "Scholarslip" explores five critical issues: increasing costs of tuition; deteriorating quality of higher education; diminishing value of a college degree in the job market; student dependence on state and federal financial assistance; and the effects on personal lives and aspirations. Lancial, Molina and Stein entered and documented the lives of three university students, each experiencing different personal and financial struggles yet sharing a common desire to pursue a college degree. Also featured are testimonies from John Kavanaugh, a representative in the Arizona legislature; Kent Hopkins, the Vice Provost of Enrollment at Arizona State University; and Natalia Abrams, a co-founder of Student Debt Crisis and Occupy Colleges. "Scholarslip" presents a generation under siege, challenging a seemingly out-of-control system that is sending millions into interminable debt.
Alex Lancial: Director of Photography, Graphics Editor, Assistant Editor, Videographer, Assistant Producer
Tara Molina: Producer, Assistant Director, Assistant Editor, Videographer
Jake Stein: Director, Editor, Videographer, Assistant Producer
Russian Man Beats Credit Cards Company in Their Own Game
A Russian man who decided to write his own small print in a credit card contract has had his changes upheld in court. He's now suing the country's leading online bank for more than 24 million rubles ($727,000) in compensation. Disappointed by the terms of the unsolicited offer for a credit card from Tinkoff Credit Systems in 2008, a 42-year-old Dmitry Agarkov from the city of Voronezh decided to hand write his own credits terms. The trick was that Agarkov simply scanned the bank’s document and ‘amended’ the small print with his own terms. He opted for a 0 percent interest rate and no fees, adding that the customer "is not obliged to pay any fees and charges imposed by bank tariffs." The bank, however, didn’t read ‘the amendments’, as it signed and certified the document, as well as sent the man a credit card. Under the agreement, the bank OK'd to provide unlimited credit, according to Agarkov’s lawyer Dmitry Mikhalevich talking to Kommersant daily. (Russia Today )
The Alex Jones Show: Sunday August 11 2013: Federal Drills and Crimes
The Alex Jones Show:(VIDEO Commercial Free) Sunday August 11 2013: Federal Drills and Crimes
Infowars Nightly News host David Knight fills in for Alex for this Sunday, August 11 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show. One week after the U.S. government issued a vague "terror alert" around the world, we learned that multiple agencies would perform "terrorism response" drills in Austin, Texas starting this weekend. David and Alex discuss a law enforcement document provided recently to Infowars which identified Austin as a "target for terror." Infowars reporter Lee Ann McAdoo hits the streets of Austin to talk to people about their awareness and opinions of the planned drills. A released FBI document shows that the agency is creating a real crime wave in America — sanctioning violence, political corruption and drug trafficking — all of which would be considered illegal if not blessed by the FBI.
Number Of People On Food Stamps Up 70% Since 2008
It shouldn't be a surprise that the welfare state exploded under Obama. This is who he is, he was a community organizer who taught people how to scam the system. He surrounded himself with radical anti-American people. He was brainwashed with government conspiracies against black people. He was a 20 yr member of Jeremiah Wright's church that taught black liberation theology. He was buddies with homegrown anti-American terrorist Bill Ayers. His past directly correlates with who he is today.
Siener van Rensburg World War 3 Predictions A conflict between Israel, Iran and Syria
World War 3 Predictions CHINA RUSSIA IRAN OIL.
China, Russia, and maybe India. Those top 3 countries are the ones that pretty much buys Iran's oil. Especially the Chinese they say they won't History Predicts America Israel Attack in 2012 ... most of which have been closely related to Iran's oil and gas resources. .... into World War 3, given the fact that Iran is closely allied with both Russia and China.United Nations. ... Failure to act, or to act in timely manner will most likely be the cause of World War 3
Nicolaas Pieter Johannes "Siener" van Rensburg (August 30, 1862 -- March 11, 1926) was a Boer from the South African Republic -also known as the Transvaal Republic- and later a citizen of South Africa who is seen by some as a prophet of the Boere (or Afrikaners). Therefore his nickname soon became Siener, which is Afrikaans for "seer" or "soothsayer". His seemingly accurate predictions of future events were typically wrapped in religious patriotism.
From Wall Street, gold price and US finance to conspiracies, latest global news, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, David Icke Illuminati, a potential World War 3, Elite government cover - ups and much more, Bigeyenews is the place to be.
How to Evade Government Surveillance and Stay Anonymous Online
Why stay anonymous online? In today's society there are people and automated devices that are recording your deepest, most private thoughts and activities. Each day we voluntarily divulge the most intimate details of our lives through social networking accounts, email, banking apps, online games and more. In addition, governments and corporations can censor and block our traffic based on whatever standards are in place that day.
Government agencies, hackers and sophisticated bot networks are capturing every piece of digital data that we transmit through all of our Internet-connected gadgets. Smartphones, Smart TVs, computers, tablets, and so much more...they are all vulnerable, nothing is safe these days. Even your old clam-shell phone isn't safe. This is because many phone providers route your calls over media using the Internet Protocol at some point within their network. For example, long distance providers transfer calls over VoIP all the time.
Whether you're browsing the Web, signing up for a new online game, or simply checking your email, you are constantly leaving tracks and giving away information to anyone with access and the knowledge to analyze the traffic. Once the data is compiled the attacker can build an incredibly accurate profile of not only your online life but your real-world life as well.
So, the big question is, how can you stay anonymous online? Free from government censorship and potential eavesdropping from some hacker or three-letter government agency that wants to invade your privacy while you use your computer. In comes Whonix, the Anonymous Operating System!
Use Whonix, The Anonymous Operating System, Stay Anonymous Online
Whonix is a free, general purpose computer operating system based on Virtual Box, Linux and Tor. The purpose of Whonix is to allow Internet users the ability to stay anonymous online. This is most beneficial to users in regimes that censor and monitor access to the Internet, but it can also be used by anyone who values their privacy, or doesn't want their activities tracked online
The Apple statement, although it reveals the number of requests Cupertino complied with, it continues to deny allowing gov bods to access its servers, stating: "We first heard of the government's 'Prism' program when news organizations asked us about it on June 6."
Since the exposure of the programme through the actions of former CIA contractor Edward Snowden, US tech firms have been lobbying the government to allow them to provide more details to their customers on the extent to which they have helped the authorities with their inquiries. Spy chiefs were against this disclosure but politicians appear to have overruled them and allowed tech giants to provide more details on wiretap requests than had been permitted with previous transparency reports from the likes of Google and Microsoft.
This move is clearly designed, at least in part, to reassure businesses and consumers that data held by US technology firms is not subject to dragnet surveillance, a concern that might prompt enterprises and international consumers to look for alternatives to US-based services.
The Great Depression ~ Why it happened and why it could happen again
It was a time when the stock market epitomized the false promise of permanent prosperity , Millennial depression? This will be much worse than the 1929 crash... We have such a large part of the American population dependent on the government for lifelong welfare checks and food will hit like a tsunami. Imagine when that stops...the criminal gangs, drug cartels, radicals...this will be a complete breakdown like New Orleans & Katrina. This will be a catastrophic collapse. A new 'Dark Ages". I don't think we are as strong as the Americans of 1929. Not as self reliant.
Japan Government In Total Chaos Over Fukushima Melt Down 8-11-13
Fukushima nuclear waste still leaking into Pacific ,Paul Gunter the director of the Reactor Oversight Project at weighs in on Japan Government in total chaos over containment barrier breach. Melted reactor cores are contaminating Pacific with FULL RANGE of radioactive materials with more than 400 Tons Per Day!.
Paul Gunter, It's been two years since an earthquake and tsunami took down a nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan, but have any new regulations been installed to prevent future disasters? Paul Gunter, the director of the Reactor Oversight Project at, weighs in on all things nuclear
SOLAR FLARE to END HUMANITY in 2013 ~ REMOTE VIEWING with Major Ed Dames The Kill Shot
SOLAR FLARE to END HUMANITY in 2013 - REMOTE VIEWING with Major Ed Dames The Kill Shot
In the mid 1970s sponsorship by the CIA was terminated and picked up by the Air Force. In 1979 the Army's Intelligence and Security Command, which had been providing some taskings to the SRI investigators was ordered to develop its own program by the Army's chief intelligence officer General Ed Thompson. CIA operations officers, working from McMahon's office and other offices also continued to provide taskings to SRI's subjects. (Schnabel 1997, Smith 2005, Atwater 2001)
In 1984 remote viewer Joseph McMoneagle was awarded a legion of merit for determining "150 essential elements of information...producing crucial and vital intelligence unavailable from any other source".[16]
Unfortunately, the viewers' advice in the "Stargate project" was always so unclear and non-detailed that it has never been used in any intelligence operation.[3][5][6] Despite this, SRI scientists and remote viewers have claimed that a number of "natural" psychics were crucial in a number of intelligence operations. The most famous claimed results from these years were the description of "a big crane" at a Soviet nuclear research facility by Joseph McMoneagle,[17] a description of a new class of Soviet strategic submarine by a team of three viewers which included McMoneagle,(Smith 2005, McMoneagle 2002) and Rosemary Smith's location of a downed Soviet bomber in Africa.[18] By the early 1980s numerous offices throughout the intelligence community were providing taskings to SRI's psychics, (Schnabel 1997, Smith 2005) but the collaboration never resulted in useful intelligence information
In 2001--2002 the UK Government performed a study on 18 untrained subjects. The experimenters recorded the E field and H field around each viewer to see if the cerebral activity of successful viewings caused higher-than-usual fields to be emitted from the brain. However, the experimenters did not find any evidence that the viewers had accessed the targets in the data collection phase, the project was abandoned, and the data was never analyzed since no RV activity had happened. Some "narrow-band" E-fields were detected during the viewings, but they were attributed to external causes. The experiment was disclosed in 2007 after a UK Freedom of Information request
During the top-secret Remote Viewing (RV) CIA and U.S. Army research program, trained viewers that were normally tasked with foreseeing the outcome of war related events began picking up on a future occurrence that appeared to mark a dramatic shift in global life. At first, these viewers, along with Major Ed Dames, the program's senior operations and training officer, had feared their subconscious was foreseeing nuclear war. It turns out after years of Remote Viewing sessions, the event is in fact a series of solar flares that are so devastating to the Earth, it may cause the death of billions and change life on Earth as we know it.
Normally, one might not take such a warning seriously, but what sets this prediction apart from others is that Remote Viewers have a track record of being amazingly accurate regarding globally recognized disasters and events. In fact, there are many predictions that were announced on national radio and TV programs that have already accurately come to pass with unprecedented accuracy including the tragic disaster in Japan, a mysterious crop fungus, the predicted Indonesian 9.0 earthquake and more! "He [Major Dames] was Targeting Director (sic) of the U.S. Intelligence Electronic & Security Command (sic), and assistant director of special operations (sic) in the DIA Directorate of Scientific and Technical Intelligence, and an area controller of special operations (sic) of Headquarters Department of the Army. For several years, he was mandated to brief on a daily and/or weekly basis DIA, NSA, other agencies, and, when circumstances required, the President and his advisors."
Smart Meters Dangers ~ Katherine Albrecht on Coast to Coast AM
It seems like now a days you can't go a day without hearing some type of advertisement about smart technologies such as smart meters, smart appliances, smart cards, smart energy smart homes and smart grid. Technology and the interne allowed us to advance and has enabled us to connect in ways never before imagined but as time keeps slipping into the future the more and more I see the internet being expanded and used as a systematic tool to spy on populations with integraded smart technologies that will be essentially used to control everything within what is called a 'smart grid'. The settings protrayed in the famous book written by George Orwell "1984" are coming into our reality, futuristic technological enslavement where big brother has full control of everything and knows all our actions at all times. A lot of people labelled as conspiracy theorist have warned the general public for years, and as we drift further past 2012 into the future the more it seems that those labelled as conspiracy theoristare becoming correct in some of the things they are trying to warn the public about.
Predictions Special 2013 With Astrologer Linda Schurman
astrologer Linda Schurman presented her predictions for the economy, weather, and politics. She cited a Pluto/Uranus square between now and 2016 that signals a clash between entrenched interests such as giant banks, and dis-empowered citizens. For 2013, she foresees more scandals and misdeeds revealed about the banking industry, and gold & silver remaining a good investment due to uncertainties about currency. A war in Iran could break out in the spring, possibly tied to an eclipse there in late April, and a quake/tsunami incident on the level of Fukushima could also happen during this time frame, she predicted. This summer, instead of drought in the US, she sees a lot of flooding occurring.
Nuclear Armageddon ~ Fukushima Officials Say Wall That Retains Radioactive Water Has Failed
Biggest accident in human history and the last time they got a visit from the Intl body "overseeing" this Global Catastrophe was in April. 3 months ago. 3 months. 90 days of 400 tons (admitted) many more month will the rest of the world sit by as the planet is destroyed? TEPCO is inept and corrupt and has no business being in charge of the clean up operation.Meanwhile terror takes a break as Obama and Congress head to the midwest to play a few rounds of golf in an underground bunker
750,000 American Households have gone Off-the-Grid ~ Nick Rosen
Nick Rosen is an award winning documentary maker, journalist, and broadcaster. He has made films for CBS 60 Minutes and PBS Frontline and has written for the Washington Post and Reuters. Born and based in London, England, he has often lived and worked in the US. He says when he wants to know what the future holds, he comes to America.
Over the past two decades he has been a Teaching Assistant at the Georgetown University Philosophy Department, a journalist in San Francisco and a documentary filmmaker in New York. Nick is an off-grid expert, editing the website, and since 1994 has been off the grid part-time.
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