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Monday, June 24, 2013

Sarah Palin: Edward Snowden Is Not The Problem - 6/21/13

"He was asking for these unanswered questions about domestic use of drones and the impact on the American public. [...] Of course he was chided and mocked and ridiculed by the Obama administration, [...] but Rand Paul was right. He was asking the questions and now finally we're getting the answers that yes, drones are used on American soil," Sarah Palin said Saturday on FOX News about Edward Snowden.

"Only in an Orwellian government would a collective bad deed be so generously rewarded. It is a shame and it's just more reason to distrust our federal government and the nonsense that's going on in Washington, D.C.," Palin said about the IRS.

"Is a bear Catholic, does the pope live in the woods? No. I do not trust our federal government," Palin also said.
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