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Monday, June 24, 2013

Antichrist & Aliens in the Bible ~ Author John Milor

Author John Milor discussed his biblical research into aliens and the Antichrist. UFOs were mentioned in the Bible-- described as flying chariots with horses on fire, he said. According to his reading of the Bible, references to angels are synonymous with aliens, and they are physical rather spiritual beings. Lucifer's "trump card" is his biological child-- a person (probably already born) who will turn out to be the Antichrist, he detailed.

The Antichrist will likely come from Syria or Lebanon, and people will initially believe he's a man of peace; he'll be linked to UFOs that will show up and seem friendly, said Milor. Aliens or fallen angels exist in a "first heaven," a dimension above us, and at some point in the future, he continued, they will be able to cross through via a "dimensional rift" and create havoc.


John Milor is a Master sergeant in the Air National Guard, and also a researcher and author of paranormal phenomena. He bases his research on a biblical perspective, which he feels is his unique calling. He considers himself to be an open-minded Christian; one among a very select few Christian Ufologists. Also distinguishing him as a unique author is the fact that he gives his books away as FREE downloads on his website, at www.AliensAndTheAntichrist.com.

The Antichrist is a Christian concept based on the exegesis of Second Temple (500 BCE--50 CE) Jewish texts that refer to anti-messiahs. In Christian belief, Jesus the Messiah appears in his Second Coming to earth, to face the emergence of the Antichrist figure. Just as Christ is the savior and the ideal model for humanity, his opponent in the End of Days will be a single figure of concentrated evil. In the New Testament, the term "antichrist" occurs five times in 1 John and 2 John, once in plural form and four times in the singular.

See also 666 Abomination of Desolation Armageddon Armilus Babylon (New Testament) Beelzebub Bible prophecy Book of Revelation Christian eschatology End time False messiah False prophet Gog and Magog Great Apostasy Lake of Fire Mahdi New World Order (conspiracy theory) Number of the Beast Second Coming of Christ Summary of Christian eschatological differences Temple Mount The Two Witnesses Third Temple Whore of Babylon
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