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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Your Money is Safer under the mattress than in a bank Account ?

This tiny island has always had a huge amount of MONEY from Russia, Serbia (Milosevic and all rich Serbians), Israel… THERE CAN NOT BE ANY REAL CRISIS in Cyprus ! Mafia was so generous in last years… The satanists who rule the world have engineered artificially the need for a “bailout” – now, criminals will steal from criminals… and honest people will pay like criminals too! It’s all about A SYSTEM THAT IS BASED ON PROFIT = satanic system = system that creates scarcity by design! Now – antidote is : GIFT ECONOMY … and planting free trees, free food… later build free shelters… and work only for free out of passion

Martin Lewis from moneysavingexpert.com and analyst Louise Cooper on the smash and grab in the UK from savers and pension funds to bailout criminal bankers and feckless borrowers (including the government). Recorded from BBC Newsnight, 18 March 2013.

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