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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mike Rivero : Cyprus is Just the beginning?

History is written in tiny Cyprus. Parliament unanimously rejects EU bailout.

we people of the world must realise it is time to deal with these thugs/ mafia corporate before they invade other banks and steal the hard cash of the poor and helpless people. they are really taking us for fools and stupid rubbish as we sit dumb and weak while they loot our savings. time for talking is over. we must unite and decide to bring justice and peace to all those who care for a better world. it is amazing how they can steal and wage war on us without we doing anything to stop it. the more quiet we stay the more they will find it easy to take advantage of us. we are all struggling on a daily basis and making lots of sacrifices to make ends meet. how can we allow those thugs and criminals to loot us and get away with it.?

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