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Monday, July 15, 2013

Top Secret Government & Military Facilities ~ Harry Helmsspoke

Author Harry Helmsspoke about top secret government installations and the types of clandestine work that go on there. While he didn't uncover direct evidence of UFO activity at Nevada's Area 51, he did find indications that a secret military spaceflight programhas been developed at this location. The program may involve a "mothership," the size of a 747 that can hold and release a smaller plane. Testing on unmanned aerial craft and next generation Stealth aircraft is also conducted there, he reported.

Wright-Patterson AFB has long been associated with recovered alien craft; its Hangar 18 has been said to house the wreckage of UFO crashes, while the "Blue Room" may hold alien bodies, he detailed. The Plum Island facility near New York City is of concern because infectious agents are tested there, and under some circumstances they might spread beyond their barriers, Helms suggested.

Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah carries out germ warfare experiments, and the anthrax that was used in the mailings to Congress in 2001, was likely intercepted from this facility, he said. Helms also touched on the development of "killer microsatellites" that can knock out orbiting satellites and disrupt communications.The US Space Command based in Colorado Springs coordinates offensive and defensive weapons that could operate in outer space, he added. During the last hour, a special "whistleblower" hotline featured several employees of governmentt. facilities sharing their accounts.


Harry Helms is the author of over a dozen books, on mostly scientific and technical topics. They include "Computer Language Reference Guide," "Electronic Circuits Cookbook," "All About Ham Radio," "Shortwave Listening Guidebook," and his latest, Inside the Shadow Government." A former editor for such publishers as McGraw-Hill and Academic Press, he was co-founder of LLH Technology Publishing. Now a fulltime writer and publishing consultant, he has written about ham, shortwave, and pirate radio for such magazines as "Popular Communications" and "Monitoring Times." An active ham radio operator (W7HLH), Harry lives in Las Vegas.

The Book
Top Secret Tourism:
Your Travel Guide to Germ Warfare Laboratories, Clandestine Aircraft Bases and Other Places in the United States You're Not Supposed to Know About.

Here is the unseen America of government facilities and installations protected by a wall of secrecy, deception, and misinformation. It includes huge, isolated areas (some larger than the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island), along with innocuous office buildings located in the middle of major cities. This "other America" has an enormous impact on your life, but you probably have little idea of its extent, scope, and power.

This book invites you to visit this top-secret America. Listings are by state, and each facility/site entry gives its history, discusses the activities carried on there, explores various rumors, and provides maps and directions to every location.

Author Harry Helms visited and photographed a number of sites in this book. None of the intelligence here was taken from classified sources; everything was on the public record and obtained by patient digging. Since the 9/11 attacks, much of this information was removed from public dissemination. To those who think a book like this discloses vital government secrets, Helms says: "Get real. If I can find this stuff out, the Russians, Chinese, and various terrorist groups also found it out a long time before I did."

Adventurous travelers and truth-seekers will want to know how to navigate within top-secret America.

Top Ten Secret Places you wont be visiting
Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Centre
Where: North Korea

Pine Gap
Where: Alice Springs, Australia

Al Kibar
Where: Syria, Israel

RAF Menwith Hill
Where: Yorkshire, England

Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant
Where: Iran

Negev Nuclear Research Center
Where: Negev Desert, Israel

Site R
Where: Pennsylvannia, US

Woomera Prohibited Area
Where: Nr Adelaide, South Australia

Where: Ukraine

Mount Yamantaw
Where: Russia

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