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Friday, July 26, 2013

Paul Craig Roberts ~ The Total Destruction of America from Within

Paul Craig Roberts discusses the dismantling of the U.S. constitution and the current Great Recession.

Father of Reaganomics Paul Craig Roberts discusses how the American middle class is being systematically dismantled by means of destroying the ladders of upward mobility and offshoring US manufacturing as well as skilled jobs to China and India.
He also explains how the rule of law has been eviscerated, greasing the skids for the evisceration of the Constitution and the undue monopoly of power in the executive branch of government, which has created a dictatorial system that threatens political stability.

The law has ceased to be a shield to protect the rights of the innocent and has instead become a weapon in the hands of the state. Americans today do not have the protection of law, points out Roberts, noting how the judicial elite have been chasing after devils by pushing single issue agendas like the drug war, terrorism, child abuse and crime, making the same mistake that Sir Thomas More warns against in A Man For All Seasons, eroding protective features of the law by failing to understand how their application in these single issue causes would impact in general, leading to a total loss of law altogether.

Roberts explains how 9/11 opened the door for an assault on Habeas Corpus and greased the skids for indefinite detention without charge, and how the Obama administration has completely failed to roll back any of the new executive powers created by the Bush regime. PCR notes how the police are now being trained that the American public are the enemy and that this is the reason for the dramatic rise in needless police brutality, showing again the breakdown in accountability and the rule of law.

Moving on to the economy, Roberts points out the dichotomy of America being the new global empire while simultaneously outsourcing its manufacturing, engineering and software jobs to China and India, destroying upward mobility and eviscerating the middle class, while also killing the dollar as a result of huge trade deficits. "That's the funny thing about this new neo-con version of empire," notes Roberts. "It rose up right when we were destroying the middle class and the manufacturing base and the dollar," pointing out that the strong dollar as a trusted global reserve currency was the foundation of American power in the first place.

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