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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

JULY 4tTH 2013 POSSIBLE FALSE FLAG - COAST GUARD DISTRICT 7 - Off Shore Methane / Nuke Detonation

Info on evidence we need to take note of with the foreign troops and other preparations we see.

In the video he indicates that it appears that between June 21st and 26th that Foreign Troops under UN, NATO, Russian, Ukraine, Polish, German, Italian, Mexican, Chinese etc have left training areas and are currently in "staging areas", this has occurred with the back drop of the US Coast Guard in District 7 Standing down; Google US Coast Guard District 7 Stand Down and you will note numerous articles and reports of this.
District 7 on the East Coast covers Florida, SC, and Georgia Coasts, link to Coast Seach Google Images for Coast Guard Districts Map.
An event such as this would provide the perfect reason for a martial law declaration; and the perfect cover for the financial crimes of the globalist cabal who are seeking to initiate the final collapse of the current US Dollar Petro System into their NWO.
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