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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

GODFREY BLOOM MEP ~ We are staring into the abyss

Rick Wiles talks to Godfrey Bloom MEP, UKIP (Yorkshire & Lincolnshire), Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD) group

Godfrey Bloom, Member of the European Parliament and the UK Independence Party, talks about what motivated the court's decision and the problems that lie ahead for the European Union. Meanwhile, the European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso, in his State of the Union address, called for a federation of nation states (a European Superstate) and unveiled plans for the ECB to supervise all Eurozone banks. But was it the lack of a centralized banking regulations that contributed to the debt crisis or is this really about something else? We ask Godfrey Bloom if integration is really the solution to the EU's problems. And despite attempts at integration and consolidation in the EU, there are more signs of fracture. While Spanish leaders delay decisions on seeking an ECB bond bailout, the crisis fuels the independence movement in the Spanish region of Catalonia. Could this be one of the ironies of integration?
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