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Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Abundance the Future is better than you think ~ Peter Diamandis
Chairman and CEO of the X PRIZE Foundation, Dr. Peter Diamandis, shared his research with top scientists, innovators, and captains of industry which reveals how progress is catapulting the world into a new era of abundance. While society tends to focus on negative news stories, and the idea that the world has grown worse over the years, we forget about the great advancements that have been made during the last century, he said. For instance, human lifespan has more than doubled, the average income for every person on the planet (adjusted for inflation) has more than tripled, and the cost of food has dropped 13 fold.
Demonstrating his notion of abundance, his book cover is pictured in aluminum-- a metal once thought to be quite rare and valuable, but now considered plentiful and disposable. In 2010, 2 billion people were connected to the Internet, but by 2020 that number will have risen to 5 billion-- "these are new minds plugging into the global economy," and more geniuses will be discovered wherever they might be, he declared.
He outlined some of the amazing new technology and inventions that are coming down the pike, which could greatly improve humanity's situation: Dean Kamen's "Slingshot" technology can transform any type of liquid into pure drinking water for less than one cent per liter, urban "vertical farms" could replace traditional agriculture and eliminate transportation costs, and a medical "tricorder" type device would put the emphasis on preventative and predictive health care before people get sick. Diamandis also talked about his involvement in the Zero G Corporation, which provides flights in which passengers experience weightlessness.
Dr. Peter Diamandis is the Chairman and CEO of the X PRIZE Foundation, which leads the world in designing and launching large incentive prizes to drive radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity. He is also an international leader in the commercial space arena, having founded and run many of the leading entrepreneurial companies in this sector including Zero Gravity Corporation, the Rocket Racing League and Space Adventures.
As co-Founder & Chairman of the Singularity University, a Silicon Valley based institution partnered with NASA, Google, Autodesk and Nokia, Diamandis counsels the world's top enterprises on how to utilize exponential technologies and incentivized innovation to dramatically accelerate their business objectives. Dr. Diamandis attended the MIT where he received his degrees in molecular genetics and aerospace engineering, as well as Harvard Medical School where he received his M.D.
Abundant life is a term used to refer to Christian teachings on fullness of life. It is not an organized movement or a unique doctrine, but a name applied to the teachings and expectations of the groups and people who follow the teachings. Abundant life teachings may include expectations of prosperity and health, but may also include other forms of fullness of life when faced with adverse circumstances.
Dr. Peter Diamandis
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