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Monday, June 10, 2013

The Last Battle , Stephen Harding - Coast to Coast Am - C2CAM Date: 06-9-13 - June 9 2013

The Last Battle - June 9 2013 - Coast to Coast Am - C2CAM Date: 06-9-13

Ian Punnett interviews Howard Bloom, Margaret Barker, and Stephen Harding.

Joining Ian Punnett, journalist specializing in military affairs, Stephen Harding, discussed what happened when U.S. and German soldiers joined forces in the waning hours of World War II.

First Hour: Author Howard Bloom talked about a White House petition calling for the release of whistleblower Bradley Manning. Also, theology expert Margaret Barker discussed temple mysticism, which was rooted in the cult of the first temple in ancient Jerusalem, and sheds light on the origins of Christianity.

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