Michael Adair, Henry Makow & Mark Novitsky in Truth Jihad Radio with Kevin Barrett, July 6, 2012.
Kevin Barrett:
"First hour: Michael Adair, author, Forbidden Secrets of the Illuminati: The Luciferian Deception: "The Illuminati form a secret society that plans to impose the draconian New World Order on the whole of humanity. The information contained in this book was entrusted to the author by an Illuminati insider who instructed him to write a pro-Illuminati recruitment book. The author has instead revealed the secrets of their belief system, the deceptive recruitment process they use to lure unsuspecting initiates, and the ultimate Luciferian agenda."
Second hour: First segment: Henry Makow is the author of Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World among other books. Dr. Makow, like me, ran into problems in academia when he started telling politically incorrect truths. The latest post on his blog, "Cohabiting with a Monkey," would elicit nods of agreement from Jonathan Swift.
Final segments: Whistleblower Mark Novitsky discusses the latest NWO "free trade agreement," the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which the usual suspects have managed to keep largely secret from the American people - even though its provisions will greatly reduce US sovereignty. He adds: "ALSO...I may be able to explain the surprising SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts (rollover / reversal) decision regarding the Affordable Health Care Act / Obamacare & the AZ. Immigration legislation. - It is my contention based upon tragic personal experience and much research that Domestic Surveillance is more about "Opposition Research & Control" than anything else. Remember when Elliot Spitzer got caught in a "phone-tap / financial records sting" after promising to go after Wall Street Criminals using the Martin Act? Did they "get something" on Roberts? SLIPPERY SLOPE!" "
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Saturday, June 15, 2013
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