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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Alex Jones Show: Tuesday (6-18-13) Piers Corbyn

On the Tuesday, June 18 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers Obama's multiple scandals as the all-time low approval POTUS arrogantly defends the NSA's unconstitutional and massively unprecedented high-tech surveillance program aimed at the American people and the government's political opposition. A recent poll indicates nearly half of the American people believe the IRS targeting of opposition political groups originated in the Obama White House. On today's worldwide transmission, Alex welcomes back to the show the Managing Director and founder of WeatherAction, Piers Corbyn. Corbyn talks with Alex about the warmist scam held in Exeter, Britain, a propaganda event coinciding with the G8 bankster elite summit. Alex also covers the latest breaking news and takes your calls on today's broadcast.

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