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Sunday, June 9, 2013
Alex Jones RANTS on BBC Sunday Politics Show about BILDERBERG Group & NEW WORLD ORDER Agenda
Alex Jones RANTS on BBC's Sunday Politics Show about BILDERBERG Group & NEW WORLD ORDER Agenda
Bilderberg conspiracy theorist Alex Jones flew into an uncontrollable tirade live on the BBC's flagship politics programme after host Andrew Neil described him as an "idiot".
Mr Jones, who runs a conspiracy theory website, began shouting and ranting after the Sunday Politics host told him to "shut it".
As he screamed "freedom will not stop, you will not stop freedom" Mr Neil tried to bring the show to a close, telling him he was the worst guest ever, then stifling a laugh and pulling faces as he said: "We have an idiot on the programme today."
Mr Jones appeared on the Sunday morning show as the secretive Bilderberg Group - comprising politicians, economists, academics and business leaders - is meeting at a hotel in Watford.
'We have an idiot on the show': Ranting conspiracy theorist is ridiculed by Andrew Neil after outburst on BBC Sunday Politics U.S. radio host Alex Jones was on BBC1 show with David Aaronovitch 39-year-old launched rant about U.S. government 'disappearing people' Veteran Neil, 64, said Jones was 'the worst person I've ever interviewed'
Mr Jones had said: 'Hey listen, I'm here to warn people, you keep telling me to shut up. This isn't a game. Our government, the US, is building Fema (Federal Emergency Management Agency) camps.
'We have an NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) where they disappear people now. You have this arrest for public safety, life in prison. It's basically off with their heads, disappear them.
'Take them away. Liberty is rising. Liberty is rising. Freedom will not stop. You will not stop freedom. You will not stop the republic. Humanity is awakening.
'No, you guys are crazy, thinking that the public's too stupid. You're crazy, thinking the public doesn't know. You're crazy, thinking the public isn't waking up.'
'You are the worst person I've ever interviewed. We have an idiot on the programme today'
Andrew Neil
Mr Jones had already told the programme that the creation of the Euro was a 'Nazi German plan' and said Bilderberg is 'heavily involved in the EU plan'. He added: 'We have forced them from cover to admit they're puppeteers above the major parties.
Mr Neil later said on Twitter: 'The moment Alex Jones knew he was no longer on air he stopped.'
The shouting at the end of the show - which was criticised as 'all an act' by Mr Neil - was immediately labelled 'spectacular' by the Mail's James Chapman and 'TV gold' by the political blog Guido Fawkes.
The Bilderberg Conference is an international group of politicians, business leaders and academics who meet behind closed doors - this year at a luxury country hotel near Watford, Hertfordshire.
bbc posh discuss "top secret" secret
The topic had been the focus of Mr Morgan's prime-time shows for a period following the December 14 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
Mr Jones, however, spent nearly all of the time screaming at Mr Morgan at the top of his lungs, calling him a 'redcoat foreigner' and threatening revolution if anyone tried to 'take our guns.'
Mr Morgan later wrote about the confrontation in the Mail On Sunday, saying Mr Jones was 'ranting and raving like a gorilla at the zoo who's just seen the morning bucket of bananas arrive'.
Earlier this year, Mr Jones spent 15 minutes shouting Piers Morgan, who invited him onto his CNN show to discuss gun control in the wake of the Sandy Hook school massacre. Morgan said the interview with Jones was the 'best advertisement for gun control you could wish for.' Jones called him a 'redcoat foreigner' and threatened a re-run of the American revolution.
'Let me say, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms
Alex Jones,
Bilderberg 2013
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