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Thursday, March 21, 2013

We Empower them, they do not Control us

One of Illuminati control techniques is Population Control: Invented food shortages, water contamination, lack of space, depletion of "green” are maneuvers to slice off 2/3rd of the world’s six-billion citizens, and save themselves, while allowing death and other horrors to befall the other 4-billion. Subtle means of ending our existence include abortion (Planned Parent is the main culprit), genetic engineering (cloning allows engineers to create an army of soldiers bred to have massive muscle bulk, superior senses, powerful killing skills or to breed doubles to replace people; it also introduces chimeras (hybrid animal/human forms), and angels of death (ridding hospitals, clinics—the general population—of infirmed and old people who put burdens on our society. Euthanasia is a form of this, as are fatal surgical procedures).

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