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Monday, March 18, 2013

Tim Rifat ~ Korean War to Resume ?

Korean War to Resume ? - Tim Rifat

I found that seemingly N. Korea is helping us to see through what our current nuclear policies really is. Nobody make our military cut weapon budget, except N. Korea. And the war has not technically ended. It was a ceasefire, not peace treaty that ended the fighting.It is completely unjustified for the US to launch any preemptive war against N. Korea. Such actions are a violation of international law and utterly unethical. Only is it justified to intervene if N. Korea invades S. Korea or directly attacks US forces.But that would not help anybody. America is is no logistical or finical position to fight a guerilla war right now against an army (with access to an air force, navy, and ballistic/nuclear missile capabilities) of 1.2 million on the Korean peninsula.

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