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Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Hard Truth about How your Tax Dollars are being spent

The Hard Truth about How your Tax Dollars are being spent : A Great video showing how over 50% of your tax goes straight to funding war. And while they pretend they don`t have enough to fund schools and hospitals, you know they are lying.

Printing pieces of papers for wealth backed by terrorizing the world with military force just can’t go on forever, and the rest is history. . Zombiefied Golems need to wake up. and stop taxing humanity to mere concentration camp and enslavement!This is how the fiat money system controlled by the hyper-rich works. What they do is create money out of nothing, usually as digits in a computer. They then "lend" this money to the people who have to pay it back with "interest." The end result is an upwards flow of tribute to an elite few at the top in exchange for nothing. Up the pyramid goes real stuff, down the pyramid goes paper worth "nothing."

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