Coast To Coast AM Russia Relations - C2CAM
Guests: David Hagberg, Jim Marrs
Ian was joined by writer David Hagberg, who talked about the former Soviet Union, US-Russia relations, and the Russian military mindset.
Hagberg said Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has been using petrodollars to re-modernize Russia's military and refurbish their nuclear weapons. Though he does not expect a shooting war to break out between Russia and United States anytime soon, Hagberg did express fear that we may once again find ourselves in a nuclear standoff with Russia. The future of war is economic, Hagberg continued, noting how the United States bankrupted the former Soviet Union by focusing on defense spending.
Hagberg also discussed the recent conflict between Georgia and Russia, America's "provocative" anti-missile system in Poland, and Russia's claim to natural resources in the North Pole, as well as his book, Mutiny: The True Events That Inspired The Hunt For Red October. Hagberg co-wrote the book with Boris Gindin, a former Soviet naval officer who was aboard the Russian warship Storozhevoy when a mutiny was led by Captain Valery Sablin. The events inspired Tom Clancy's blockbuster novel, The Hunt for Red October
Election Suspension?
First hour guest, author Jim Marrs discussed the federal bailout plan, and a possible suspension of this year's presidential election. Marrs acknowledged that the November 4th elections could be postponed by President Bush, but believes they will go on as planned. Marrs suggested voters write in Congressman Ron Paul instead of voting for either of the democrat or republican presidential candidates.
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Wednesday, March 27, 2013
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