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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

No Bank Account In Europe is Safe ~ Mike Rivero

No Bank Account In Europe is Safe ~ Mike Rivero

This tiny island has always had a huge amount of MONEY from Russia, Serbia (Milosevic and all rich Serbians), Israel… THERE CAN NOT BE ANY REAL CRISIS in Cyprus ! Mafia was so generous in last years… The satanists who rule the world have engineered artificially the need for a “bailout” – now, criminals will steal from criminals… and honest people will pay like criminals too! It’s all about A SYSTEM THAT IS BASED ON PROFIT = satanic system = system that creates scarcity by desgn! Now – antidote is : GIFT ECONOMY … and planting free trees, free food… later build free shelters… and work only for free out of passion
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