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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

BREAKING ~ North Korea issues New threat to U.S. after Cyber Attack

(Reuters) - North Korea said it would attack U.S. military bases on Japan and the Pacific island of Guam if provoked, a day after leader Kim Jong-un oversaw a mock drone strike on South Korea.

I think this is a warning from North Korea after US flew the B-52 Strategic Bomber close to them on 8 Mar 2013. A second B-52 Strategic Bomber flight is scheduled again end of this month close to North Korea. B-52 Strategic Bomber can carry 20 Nuclear Missiles or 20 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles or 80 500 pounds conventional bombs. I think a second B-52 flight may trigger North Korea's Cyber Hacking Battalion to launch attack on US Cyberspace.

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