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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Benjamin Fulford ~ New Jesuit Pope & New Israeli Government , Not a coincidence

Benjamin Fulford March 19 2013 - New Pope, new Israeli government : It may be just a coincidence but it may also be a sign that something big is about to happen. There will be a new Pope, a new Bank of Japan governor and a new Israeli government taking office on March 19th, a date of occult significance for Asian secret societies (and also, by sheer coincidence, this writer's birthday).The Present Pope is an Jesuit, and the high level Jesuits contrive wars behind their fronts Organizations. He was behind the Argintina Slaughter/Genecide. They use their political figures to work both sides. This video covering making the Pope Francis I, a victim of his times, not correct and misinformation. The Jesuits , High Level, head the cabal all over. Lean about the Hegalian Dialectic. This may help understand "order out of Chaos".
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