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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Ancient Text, Prophecy, and Consciousness ~ Steven Hairfield

Date: 02-14-06
Host: George Noory
Guests: Steven Hairfield

Scholar of ancient text, prophecy, and consciousness, Steven Hairfield discussed our changing times. Through his cross study of the Vedas, Sutras, Nag Hammadi, Dead Sea Scrolls, and works of the Hopis and Mayans, he believes that everything is pointing towards the imminent "awakening of the soul" or "birth of the divine." This transformation deals with a change in polarities both on a personal and planetary scale, he explained.

Hairfield sees massive earth changes occurring as we are coming to the conclusion of two cycles- one of 5,000 years, the other of 25,000 years. He has recalibrated the Mayans' end date of "2012," and predicts that cataclysmic events could come this year, such as major quakes on the West Coast of the U.S., which he said are overdue. Eventually he foresees much less land mass, such as shown in the maps of Lori Toye. An advocate of meditation, Hairfield stressed the importance of experiencing the stillness of mind in order for guidance. He views the upcoming changes as a positive transformation for humankind.
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