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Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Giant Currency Superstorm That Is Coming To The USA.

16 trillion dollars in bankster welfare. Too big to fail, may well destroy America , The whole monetary system and taxation is corrupt and everybody that pays into it, the slaves, will never get a proper accounting of the monies and if they ever were to receive a so called proper accounting it would take one hundred people five hundred years to pour through the records. It's all smoke and mirrors and we stupid schmuck  have been made fools of once again.

Why is it that every time we overthrow a corrupt government and create a new one it also becomes (or was from the onset) corrupt? This scenario has a constant repetition in our history and it doesn’t take much of a historical scholar to deduce a substantive conclusion. It is we that create the value of money through the love of mammon.

There are ways to make money absolutely valueless but first we have to view it differently but no matter what we do, or have tried, greed has always won out. I dare say that if we were to completely overthrow the government and start from the ground up with a new government and a new money system it will still have the same results. Why? Our perception of money is what gives it value.

Let’s just imagine this; what if all of the sudden we lose faith in our currency, what then becomes of it? It devalues, it becomes worthless. What changed its value;……we changed its value through our perception? It is we that create the value of money and if overnight we were to eschew it then money would become valueless and those holding billions and trillions of paper notes would have a lot of toilet paper.

Of course that would never happen because way too many people have a stake in it even though time and time again they all have wound up with a losing hand and all of it is because of how we/they all perceive money. Why are there certain negative repetitions in history involving us that others profit from? Character flaws! We have to eliminate one or the other, the money changers or our inherent flaw of the love of mammon. We will do neither one! Ask not for whom the bell tolls……the two big heists happened in 1933 and 1971, when Roosevelt and Nixon deprived the US of their real money on behalf of their masters. Everything after that was just a big lie, fueled by reckless printing of bogus debt.Labor is the only thing that should be bartered. Labor is the only thing that should have value and the only way for people to procure goods. The value of our labor should never change. The only value that gold, diamonds, or any item should have is the labor used to procure it and not some arbitrary value applied to it through nefarious entities. From the time that we are born to the day we die, through hundreds of sources such as our government, our teaching institutions, the media, our parents, and every brainwashed individual we come in contact with we are taught to increase the value of our money through various schemes/scams. We are inculcated to see money in only a certain way thus allowing it to be raked in by the money changers. It devalues our labor (that is why we need a two income family) and enslaves us. This is why we are constantly wondering why we have been robbed; the money system or more importantly the values that we assign to it is the corrupted factor.
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