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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Fiscal Cliff is a Hoax and a Scam

The Fiscal Cliff is a Hoax a Scam just another buzz word used by the media and political crooks to legally steal more money from the civil populace once again.. Don't fall for their controlling games of less liberties for US and more power for them! KEEP YOUR GUNS AND STACK ON THE REAL MONEY GOLD and SILVER ...taxing the rich is not a solution cause the rich have all their money overseas in off shore heavens , taxing the really rich people is nothing more than something that the really rich just laugh at. The really rich do not own their own home in their name, their car, their jet, almost anything and everything they have is given by the company. If the rich are really smart, they do not even have a steady income of any kind what so ever to tax. If it were to be taxed, the really rich call their lawyers write up a law and hand it to their controlled politician.

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