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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

David Icke Latest Interview Nature of Reality Reptilians 2012

To be blunt - if you're a really close minded individual and your best friend is the television - it is best you exit this video immediately. David Icke discusses the true nature of reality and consciousness, reptilian shapeshifters, how to empower ourselves against the tyrannical system and global elite, and his perspective on 2012.

barack obama economic collapse financial crisis federal reserve bank audit the fed stocks wall street bilderberg group trilateral commission council foreign relations cfr illuminati nwo new world order alex jones david icke club of rome secret societies police state orwell 1984 cops military peter schiff gerald celente max keiser skull and bones george bush freemasons bohemian grove reptilians greys pleiadians reptoids anunnaki 2012 aliens ufo nibiru project blue beam NASA haarp

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