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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Webbot Clif High Wujo, Ice Age, Gray Market US, Government Jobs, Hardsided Yurts, Shrimp Towers 29-Jul-2013

Webbot Clif High Wujo, Ice Age, Gray Market US, Government Jobs, Hardsided Yurts, Shrimp Towers 29-Jul-2013

 Title: 29-Jul-2013 Clif High Wujo, Ice Age, Gray Market US, Government Jobs, Hardsided Yurts, Shrimp Towers
so sad that our economy is so one-tracked. When they pull the trigger per say on wiping out the dollar this country will be in a real way screwed. This is how you collapse a country from within. Americans will be so hung up on not being able to shop at the grocerey store the resistance to foreign troops will be nominal. The writing I see on the wall is beyond horrifying. Having a two yr old and a four yr old and their mom in no real health to weather grueling survival conditions tough..
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