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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Busted!!! Crisis Actor's along with Makeup Artist Caught Red Handed!!! Boston Marathon Bombing

Busted!!! Crisis Actor's along with Makeup Artist Caught Red Handed!!! Boston Marathon Bombing

Take a close look at the makeup artist that is giving the interview in this video, then compare her to the woman in the brown sweatshirt that stands around the fence for a while after the bomb goes off, then continues to survey the area for some time after. Most likely to ensure everything looks authentic and convincing. After all, that is her job. Also notice the woman in black, pointing directly at the person taking this photo, informing the others that someone is taking pictures.

While examining all the high resolution photos, I kept noticing the woman in brown and how much she reminded me of my cousin, even from a distance. Days later, I saw a thumbnail with her picture on it while watching another video on the bombing and thought the same thing. As soon as I saw who she was and how she was related to the bombing, I knew I had a match. I did some more close up examination of the photos and comparisons with the woman in the video until I was convinced.
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