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Sunday, March 10, 2013

How The Media Presstitutes are Dumbing down America

How The Media Presstitutes are Dumbing down America

Dumbing Down Children in the Education System and the Mass Media Programming of America. Your Government is Getting Exactly What It's Paying For .Blaming it all on the government is not only pointless but irresponsible. People who blame government for all this crap don't want to take credit for their own failure as a human being. Seriously people look in the mirror first before you blame government. Let's take a look at reality for a sec. All of this is connect to the severe lack of morality, ethics, judgement, conviction, and common sense which are not taught in a classroom. That stuff is taught at home. Better education would change nothing. Also all the crap on TV is driven by money. Stupid reality TV shows plague the air waves because the majority of people want to watch it, not because it's being shoved down their throats in order to dumb them down

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