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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Currency World War looming as Japan, China, US & Europe decline

Currency World War looms as Japan, China, US & Europe decline

Paper money is worthless, the sooner people understands that the closer to recovery we'll be. Invest in metals. Gold, silver. Let the banksters swim in their own FIAT useless currency. I remember hearing stories of the Germans back in the great depression hauling wagons full of cash weighing several pounds, just to buy a few pieces of bread. That's what our future will be like if we allowed the pigs to get their way....“There are no Governments only Corporations”, controlled by VATICAN Banksters and its CITY OF LONDON Corporations known as UNITED STATES, CANADA, ISRAEL and the other British Colonies. Claiming to be a CITIZEN, PERSON, INDIVIDUAL or RESIDENT within their documentation, provides your consent to be treated under Trade & Commerce Law.

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