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Monday, December 17, 2012

Connecticut Shooting ~ Disarm The US Government First

Connecticut Shooting

The us gov has done some horrible things in terms of international policy and privacy/freedom of info. Should we place those same restrictions on the military, police, and bodyguards for elected representatives? The dictators started out taking the guns away from the people. When the government fears the people, you have liberty. When the people fear the government you have tyranny. Our second amendment protects our freedoms. Mass killing will keep happening as long as we live in a society that views live as disposable. We have people fighting for the right to kill babies still in the womb. The killing the innocent to benefit the irresponsible. We as a society need to change to stop this. The left blaming the right and so on does not help this. There is only one party in power. There are 2 names for it, but they are one.

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